Announcing DiamondToken Yield Farming Products

2 min readJun 6, 2021


Here comes the update that you have been waiting for, the community have been anxious of DiamondToken liquidity and staking farms since the inception of the project. The long wait is over, and we are pumped up right now, because exciting times are ahead of us.

DiamondToken Staking/Farming Dapp is scheduled for mainnet launch by 12:00 UTC on June 15 2021 and DIAMOND holders and liquidity providers can start earning juicy APR rewards.

Your dream of earning more Diamonds will become reality, and the rewards are attractive. You want to be among first set of stakers and liquidity providers that will have massive advantage. As soon as it is lauched, start farming DIAMOND tokens.

We are going to partner with some other projects, this will provide you more opportunities to earn other tokens with your Diamond token or Diamond/BNB LP. For now, the following pools will be available on 15th of June 2021.

Single token staking: Stake DIAMOND to earn DIAMOND.

Multiple token staking: Stake DIAMOND-BNB Pancakeswap Liquidity Provider (LP) token to earn DIAMOND.

Single token staking: Stake DIAMOND to earn listed token like BUSD, BNB, etc.

To learn more about DiamondToken, visit the official communication channels:

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Decentralized financing on the Binance Smart Chain (Farming, Multi-chain Launchpad, and AMM)